Archives for April, 2016

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International Memorial Day Honours Our Lost Workers

The lives of 24 workers who tragically died in Victorian workplaces have been remembered in a moving tribute as part of International Workers Memorial Day. Twenty-four pairs of shoes were laid out at the Victorian Trades Hall in Carlton to symbolise each workplace fatality that..

Labor Government Delivers Upgrade That Ballarat Line Needs

The Andrews Labor Government is investing more than half-a-billion-dollars to fix the Ballarat line and run extra services it needs as it grows. Minister for Public Transport, Jacinta Allan, travelled to Ballarat today to discuss the comprehensive upgrade of the Ballarat line unveiled yesterday as..

World Heritage Listing For Budj Bim Another Step Closer

Budj Bim in south west Victoria, home to the Gunditjmara people for thousands of years, is another step closer to its UNESCO World Heritage listing thanks to the Andrews Labor Government. The cultural landscape in south west Victoria has been identified by scholars as the..

Delivering A Fair Share For Victorians

The Andrews Labor Government is taking action to ensure Victorians get a fair return for the use of our state’s natural resources. Victoria’s coal royalty rate has not changed for over a decade, and it’s time to bring Victoria into line with other states, including..

Aboriginal Youth Mentoring Program To Keep Young People Connected

A new Aboriginal Youth Mentoring Program will help young Aboriginal people develop skills, relationships and networks that keep them connected to their culture, families and friends, with funding of $875,000 to be provided by the Andrews Labor Government in the 2016-17 Victorian Budget. Speaking today..

VPS Workers Endorse New Agreement By 95%

The new Victorian Public Sector Enterprise agreement has been overwhelmingly endorsed by 95 per cent of Victorian public sector employees. For the first time, the agreement provides support for those experiencing family violence, gender neutral parental leave, and recognises the cultural obligations of employees of..

Geelong City Council Dismissed

The bill to dismiss the Greater Geelong City Council has passed the Parliament today, giving Geelong the fresh start it deserves. The Andrews Labor Government took immediate action to introduce this bill following a three month investigation into the council’s governance, administration and culture. The..

More Support For Aboriginal Victorians At Risk Of Family Violence

Aboriginal Victorians at risk of family violence will receive better and more culturally appropriate support, under funding announced by the Andrews Labor Government today. The funding forms part of the Labor Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence, with $25.7 million in the..

Dismissal Of Greater Geelong City Council

Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins today introduced a bill which will dismiss the Greater Geelong City Council following a three month investigation into the council’s governance, administration and culture. Dismissal of a council by Parliament is only considered in the most serious cases of..

2016 Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll Kicks-Off

The touring exhibition of the Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll kicked-off its 2016 road show at the Community Hub at the Dock in Melbourne today. The Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll celebrates the remarkable dedication and determination of Aboriginal Victorians across the state. To date 79 outstanding..

Have Your Say On How Council Elections Work

Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins has called for feedback on changes to Victoria’s local government electoral regulations in the lead up to the October council elections. Last changed in 2005, the state’s current regulations are due to expire in August and the Andrews Labor..

Creswick Library Open For Business

Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins today opened the new and improved Creswick library. Touring the site in Creswick today, Ms Hutchins said the much needed upgrade will provide extra space and better library services to meet growing demands from the community. The  library  refurbishment ..