Metropolitan Fire Brigade enterprise bargaining agreement
Ms HUTCHINS (Minister for Women) (11:08:32) — I thank the member for her question, and I refute the premise of the question. The EBA that has been agreed to between the board and the MFB, that will be taken forward to the Fair Work Commission for certification, will have to meet national employment standards. There is no doubt about that. Some of the clauses that have existed for 10 and 20 years as arrangements in this sector, in fire services — yes, some of those clauses have been discriminatory and it is this government that is taking that on. We are taking that on. We are putting our money where our mouth is by investing in cultural change.
Sexism against women in the workplace is not just bound by EBAs. It requires cultural change, and diversity needs to be put front and centre. That is exactly why this government has committed to quadrupling the number of women firefighters in this state. Can I congratulate the Minister for Emergency Services for his work in this space. The recruitment advertising that is going on is showing many generations of women that they can step up and be firefighters. What we are doing is putting in place progress and processes to protect and encourage more women into leadership roles in fire services.
Ms Kealy — On a point of order, Speaker, I ask you to bring the minister back to the question. The question was specifically around what actions she took. The commissioner has said this EBA breaches discrimination law; what has she done to stop that? What has she done to influence this government to not endorse something that entrenches discrimination against women? That is what it is about. What actions did she take?
The SPEAKER — I thank the member for her point of order. I do not uphold the point of order. The minister was being relevant to the question that was asked.
Ms HUTCHINS — I am not sure why those opposite do not respect our firefighters and continue to attack them and their reputation. I am proud of the fire services in this state. I am proud of the firefighters, both men and women, who go to the front line to protect our lives, to protect our communities and to protect our households, whom obviously those opposite do not respect.