About Natalie

The Hon. Natalie Hutchins MP is current Member for Sydenham, and the Minister for Minister for Industry and Jobs, Minister for Women and Minister for Treaty and First Peoples

Natalie has previously held the positions of Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Women and Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence during the 2014-2018 first term of the Andrews Labor Government. And more recently, Minister for Corrections, Crime Prevention, Youth Justice and Victim Support.

As a Minister, Natalie is particularly proud to have been a part of a government that committed to Treaty with the states’ traditional owners, improved conditions for vulnerable workers, established Respect Victoria and ensured women have an equal voice in everything it does. In the past year Natalie has also worked with families of people who have died at work to introduce Workplace Manslaughter laws.

From her days as a union official to a small business owner, a mum to a Minister, Natalie is committed to fighting for workers, and ensuring a better future for all Victorians. She has always been a fierce advocate for gender equality, for workers’ rights and for justice for Aboriginal Victorians. This continues in her capacity as a Minister and Member of Parliament.

In 2010 she was elected to represent the seat of Keilor and became the Shadow Minister for Ports, Freight and Logistics and the Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations. She has represented the seat of Sydenham since 2014.